Medium-Rare Burgers - Safety

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Medium-Rare Burgers - Safety

Hi folks,

I've been surfing the internet attempting to find some answers on how I'd most safely produce a medium-rare burger in my home. I watched Alton Brown's "A Grind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste" (S02E11) and he suggests that the majority of e.Coli issues come from meat ground in factories or stores. As such, grinding the a whole cut in your home, he says, minimizes any potential e.Coli contamination.

Now, obviously, I understand that getting meat from a good butcher is a factor but I unfortunately do not have such a luxury in my city and therefore must purchase my meats from large-chain grocery stores. Are there any other extra steps I can take to increase safety or am I good to go by buying a whole cut and just grinding it? 

Thanks for any help.