the essential recipes everyone should know how to cook....

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Jason Wirth
Joined: 2012-05-29 11:08
the essential recipes everyone should know how to cook....

I was browsing through a cookbook and the author suggested "their" version of a soup and it got me thinking, everyone should probably know how to cook a French onion soup the variables don't matter. You could use 1/4 cup of red wine vs 1/2 cup of white wine, I don't care. You could use beef stock vs. chicken stock, I don't care. The recipe is "SOOOOO" general all I care is that you make something resembling French onion soup that tastes good.
So, what are the recipes that, regardless of skill, everyone should know how to make?
High on my list are Jacob's braised chicken thighs. I have others too, but I'm interested in your opinion....