Christmas Feast

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Christmas Feast

Growing up in England, turkey was always the typical Christmas dinner.  Since we just had turkey at Thanksgiving, I have always chosen leg of lamb as the go to yuletide protein on this side of the pond.  This year was no exception.  Three years ago, lamb was $5 per pound.  This year I paid $8 for lamb marked down from $10!  This is fresh from a local farm 30 minutes from me, not from New Zealand.

This year I went for a simple preparation, braised leg o lamb with root veg, garlic & rosemary.  Braised in veal stock and white wine (Sauvignon Blanc.)  Leg then broiled for color and juices reduced for gravy, thickened with a light roux.

The following pics are:  

Leg, trimmed and frenched.
Roasting pan ready for foil cover.
Final dish served.