Infused oils

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Joined: 2012-12-27 19:49
Infused oils

So I have a question about my infused oil. I made a Basil, Rosemary infused oil (it turned out fantastic by the way). I took a few sprigs of rosemary and basil and put them in my oil bottle then poured over oil that I heated up to about 120-125F. So here's my question. When I poured over the oil it was clear, but after about an hour it was very cloudy and murky, you could not even see the herbs in the oil, but after a day it started to clear up and now it is as clear as it started, does anyone know why this happened? It didn't effect the oil in any way, it tastes just fine, like rosemary and basil as it should. I am just curious as to how this happened. Thanks.