Ideas for saffron

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Joined: 2015-01-27 06:27
Ideas for saffron

My wife bought me a precious little vial of 9 grams of saffron for Christmas this year and I wanted some input on how to best use it. It seems to be decent quality, from Spain, not Iranian or anything but I don't want to blow it on the wrong dish, I don't know how many I will be able to use it for as 9g isn't very much. I smelled it once at a spice shop and thought it smelled like paprika, nothing wrong with that but I was hoping for a bit.....more.

I was thinking of using it in a sauce (beurre blanc?) for a seafood like scallops or halibut, do you guys have any thoughts on this? I bet it will be fine like this as a quick google search shows a ton of results for this but is it giving the saffron a fair chance?